Gears: The Legend of ToonTown

Gears: The Legend of ToonTown This story, according to evina, still has a very long way to go.

Overall Rating: 5/5

  • Plot:                              5/5
  • Action:                           5/5
  • Characterization:            5/5
  • Settings:                        5/5
  • Main Events:                  5/5
  • Supporting Details:         Infinity

Summary: Face it. We've all been bored in ToonTown. It's no fun. Evina was just that. Bored. Having no fun. With inspiration, he visits HQ Harry, thinking he could give him something to do. Which he does. He shows Evina an old video about Mickey and Flippy meeting for the first time and founding ToonTown, but then Evina asks the question that changes everything: "Where did the cogs come from?" Harry admits he has no clue, but he did find a paper a few days ago that said, "HELP!" Evina gathers his friends, including HQ Harry, and they venture out of ToonTown borders to find the origin of the cogs. This is the most detailed story I have ever read, which just adds to the greatness the story is already! A story filled with adventure, confusion, tons of action, yet enough plot for the story itself, and the dangers of the outside world that awaits these toons! Gears: The Legend of ToonTown.

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