The Metal Heart

The Metal Heart This story is finished.

Overall Rating: 4/5

  • Plot:                              5/5
  • Action:                           3/5
  • Characterization:            5/5
  • Settings:                        3/5
  • Main Events:                  4/5
  • Supporting Details:         5/5

Summary: Felicity has lost her best friend, has random noobish toons hanging out with her, and was captured by a Telemarketer after cogs began to raid the Toon Estates. But the Telemarketer's intentions at first were to get a promotion, until he became friendly to Felicity in the forest they were trapped in, and her acting friendly to him as well. Felicity had begun to fall in love with a cog...but who knew? Could the cog have had a heart? After all, he took care of her as well. Heck, she was dropped from thousands of Toonfeet in the air onto the ground, but to be saved by Tom the Telemarketer who had lost his propellor to the crash and mended her broken leg. They had romantic evenings, and every time Felicity would lean in to him, she could hear a soft *thump* *thump* from his chest... but what really happens? Is the cog faking? Do the two stay together? Do they really love each other? What about ToonTown? Find out what happens in one of the most touching romance stories written on ToonTask, The Metal Heart!

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