Spill the Beans Series

Spill the Beans Series This series is not finished. It is still at Disappearace.

Summary: This was by far my favorite series to write. Everyone, including myself, kept asking for more chapters, and more sequels. It was pretty awesome, even though I didn't know too much about writing in the beginning. This story is centered around the Spill the Beans Detective Agency, led by Detective Liam, who hired Dusty Electrozaner, Winky, and Tally to work for her. They investigated a few things in the ToonEarth, including Lever #82659, Cog Nation, the Fountain of Youth, the Golden Gear, and the Razgriz. Boo Boo Bizzennugget, a hyped-out fan of the Detective Agency, follows them around and even falls in love with one of the Detectives, Tally. Bizzen is soon offered a position as a Detective, to which he accepts. This series is full of mythological stories from real-life and ToonTown, a ton of fighting, death, afterlife, romance, the unknown, and the value of friendship, among many other things.

Stories in this Series:

I ended the series right here, but then my apparent fangirl, Ladybug, decided to continue it with her own extention stories.

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